Month: May 2013

Separation of church and state?

No; not here in Jesusland. On Wednesday, lawmakers in Washington turned the capitol into a house of prayer.  Speakers included Newt Gingrich, Christian author Eric Metaxas, and one of our favorite crazy ladies, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota). Here’s some of…

John Oliver on Gun Control

The Daily Show’s John Oliver did a brilliant three-part series on gun control in Australia and what we, here in the U. S., can do to ignore their results.   John Oliver Investigates Gun Control in Australia—Part 1 John Oliver…

Coming Soon?

I’m in in the process of moving my FAS Talk blog from to this new sub-domain.  I’m also experimenting with using Facebook commenting for this new blogsite, so please feel free to leave comments! 😉 Also visit me…