We all know the Catholic Church evolves. It is not static. For example, just in my lifetime, the Catholic Church: introduced non-Latin mass translations (1963); introduced Canon Law (1983, replacing changes introduced in 1917); abolished the concept of Limbo (2007); altered…
Month: July 2013
George Zimmerman found not guilty.
Wow. George Zimmerman is not guilty. Really? Zimmerman, in a car, follows unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, gets out of his car, against instruction and advice, with his gun, confronts the unarmed youth, Trayvon Martin ends up shot dead by George…
Erick Erickson Accidentally Makes a Pro Choice Argument
Erick Erickson is editor-in-chief of RedState.com, a radio host, and a Fox News contributor. This information alone provides some insight into the positions Mr. Erickson is likely to take on many issues. But to conclude, based only on this, that…
Goodbye Google Reader; Hello RSS (again)
On July 1, Google Reader performed a final Mark All As Read for every user. And then went dark. Google Reader launched in 2005 and I started using it almost immediately. The year before, I was already convinced of the…
TIME Magazine Doubles Down on Joe Klein’s Religious Bigotry
Last week I wrote about Joe Klein’s cover story in TIME Magazine. I’ve been sort of hoping that TIME, Joe Klein, or both, would have made some sort of apology—or at least acknowledge their factual errors. They didn’t. Instead, TIME…