Tag: critical thinking

Religions, Genes, Jokes, and other Replicators

God is Watching You, by Dominic Johnson

I just read The Economist’s book review of Dominic Johnson‘s God is Watching You: How the Fear of God Makes Us Human. The review suggests “Belief in divine punishment may be inherent and a useful evolutionary adaptation, helping humans overcome selfishness.” But correctly assessing causation…

Happy Openly Secular Day 2015!

Openly Secular

Did you know that today is Openly Secular Day? (Or even that it was a thing?) The mission of Openly Secular is to eliminate discrimination and increase acceptance by getting secular people (i.e., atheists, freethinkers, agnostics, humanists and nonreligious people)…

The Gun Delusion

The Gun Delusion

Yes, The Gun Delusion is an intentional play on Richard Dawkins’ best selling title, The God Delusion. I don’t mean to suggest the writing here is even a tenth as eloquent or compelling as that of the professor. But I do…

Making Things Too Simple

The Monty Hall Problem and the Two Boys Riddle are such great riddles precisely because they exploit our tendency to make things too simple.  That is, to (erroneously) “simplify” even to the point of discarding relevant information.  But as Albert…