Month: January 2015

Orange County Measles and a Song

Measles--United States, 1950-2001

Orange County, California — great weather, affluent communities, thriving businesses, the original Disneyland Resort, and a measles outbreak. By now you’ve probably heard of the Disneyland measles outbreak. As of yesterday, at least 87 cases of measles have been confirmed across…

The Gun Delusion

The Gun Delusion

Yes, The Gun Delusion is an intentional play on Richard Dawkins’ best selling title, The God Delusion. I don’t mean to suggest the writing here is even a tenth as eloquent or compelling as that of the professor. But I do…

Confirmation Bias: Pray Away the Storm

Confirmation Bias: Pray Away the Storm

  Everyone suffers, to some degree or another, from confirmation bias. That is: the tendency to search for, interpret, or recall information in a way that confirms one’s beliefs or hypotheses. The Wall Street Journal’s recent article, A Magician’s Best Trick:…

George Zimmerman — He’s Baaaack

George Zimmerman

It’s been slightly more than a year since I last blogged about George Zimmerman, when my last Zimmerman prediction proved correct. I had predicted, “within the next five years, George Zimmerman will be arrested (or otherwise detained by authorities) again…

The Cluetrain Listicle: New Clues

This is good: The Cluetrain Listicle. Very good. It’s true. The Cluetrain Listicle sets out a sequence of 121 new ideas–clues–about the Web. And about us. And how the two are related. The new clues remind us of the incredible, world changing power of…

Sink or Float? Sailors Dive Training Riddle

Sailors Dive Training

A couple years ago, when my kids were in elementary school, I coached their school’s “Sink or Float” team for the Science Olympiad. The objective of the Sink or Float competition was straightforward: Students must demonstrate their ability to determine which objects will sink…