Category: General

COVID-19 Update–Paroled Edition

COVID-19 Update as of June 27, 2020

A friend of mine posted this COVID-19 update on Facebook this morning. It’s worth sharing. So with permission… COVID-19 UPDATE–PAROLED EDITION Well, after an enforced hiatus for making an empirically supported observation about a certain country’s citizens’ lack of ambulation…


Three years ago this morning, my great friend, David Overlander — DaveO — left the party for the last time. While I greatly miss him and I’m saddened by his untimely exit, I’m grateful to have been his friend for…

Thirty-five years. Blink.

Carol and Andy -- May 15, 1982

Without a doubt, the smartest thing I’ve ever done, I did thirty-five years ago today: Thirty-five years ago, I married my best friend on a perfect Saturday afternoon in Ann Arbor. We were pretty young and didn’t know exactly what…

NECSS Apology to Richard Dawkins

I have been critical of NECSS for how it handled the Richard Dawkins situation. But I am also supportive of NECSS for eventually doing the right thing and issuing an apology to Richard Dawkins. Yesterday, the NECSS executive committee released the…

Richard Dawkins at NECSS–Or Not

I just read Dr. Stephen Novella‘s clear and thoughtful blog post on how Professor Richard Dawkins was invited to be a featured speaker at this year’s Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism (NECSS). And shortly thereafter, uninvited. It’s an interesting–even if disappointing–look into the…